Sunday, March 16, 2008

What're dey doin' dere?

I took my sons out for a wallk
Along the old main street,
When coming 'round the corner
Two doggies we did meet.
The doggies were entangled,
And much to my dismay,
My children voiced the question
That still haunts me to this day.

What're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?
Dose doggies sure look funny, Daddy.
What're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?

They waited for my answer
And I had to wonder why
We'd ever gone and told them
You should never ever lie.
And while I scratched my head
And slowly counted up to ten,
The kids grew most impatient
And they asked me once again.

What're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?
Dose doggies sure look funny, Daddy.
What're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?

Well, I mumbled some excuses.
Didn't know what else to do.
And that's how matters stood
Until our field trip to the zoo.
A turtle on a turtle
Made enthusiastic noise,
Which elicited this question
From two curious little boys.

What're dose turtles doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?
Dose turtles sure look funny, Daddy.
What're dose turtles doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?

Oh, what're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?
Dose doggies sure look funny, Daddy.
What're dose doggies doin', Daddy?
What're dey doin' dere?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

(To a Succubus) An Ode is Owed

Your every curve
Makes me to swerve,
And though you know
I live to serve,
I pray I do not
Lose my nerve
Ere I attain
What I deserve.

For I am sure
That your allure
Will leave me gasping
On the floor.
Outside your door
I'll wait, and ever
Beg for more.

I take no thought
Of what is what,
It can't be bought.
I'll gladly do
As I was taught,
In hopes this fair one
Can be caught.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What's for breakfast?

Tomato juice
Maybe a couple slices of raisin bread
Maybe a half a bagel instead
Handful of pills
To cure my ills
Coffee black
I feel the lack
Of sugar

Can you tell I'm not feeling especially inspired today?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Meet The Cats

(Click any picture for a larger image)

Bella the Cat takes a nap

Bella The Cat takes a nap

Bella and Nicholas share the sofa

Bella and Nicholas share the sofa

Sparky sure likes her catnip

Sparky sure likes her catnip

Allen peruses his important papers

Allen peruses his important papers

Snickers, a former big fuzzy cat

Snickers, a former big fuzzy cat

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Canu never says (with apologies to Traesha)

So many things I'm like to say
Expressing heartfelt joy.
I'll loudly shout "hurrah, hurray!"
Or Jabberwocky's "frabjous day!"
Or maybe e'en "callooh, callay!"
When ladies with me toy.


Except in jest, there is a phrase
I'll never speak to you.
Though demon rips my flesh in strips
I simply cannot come to grips,
Nor let these sounds escape my lips
To utter a "whoo hoo!"

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Please...give till it hurts

The God Blob cometh
And cometh right soon
Bubbling like the contents
Of an old spittoon

This is Canu Baraksson for Rick-itis. You know, friends, a lot of people suffer from this dread ailment, people that you may pass on the street every day. Yes, they look as though they've got it all together...suave, sophisticated, even handsome...yet they can't string two words together to save their souls. Your generous donations now could make all the difference. Please...give till it hurts. Send your pledge now to:

The Rick-itis Foundation
c/o Canu Baraksson
The Dark Hall of Barak
Mernac Underworld

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

First Kiss

I'd be more than a bit remiss
If I'd forgotten my first kiss.
The first time I did so indulge
To you I'll surely now divulge.

'Twas on a hill where flowers grew,
Pale green their leaves and gold their hue.
Beside the hill a tiny rill
Babbled ever, never still.

Around about us rose a mist.
No eye beheld our joyous tryst,
Nor saw what from it did ensue,
And I'll not say with who, with who.
No, I'll not say with who.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Quont's Question 25: You're kidding, right?

If perhaps I had more time
I could put this into rhyme
But I've many things to do
No leisure now to rhyme a screw's kind of a toss-up. A large and not especially comfortable rock covered with caterpillars in the woods? On the top of a mountain, the chosen spot which we discovered afterward was atop an anthill? On the hay bales in the second floor of the barn where the black cat provided a most attentive audience? I could go on, but like I said, I'm currently a bit short of time.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Quont's Question 24: 2008 Resolutions

I've taken on many and many a task,
More than I'm able, should you ask.
To tell you straight, no haw, no hem:
I don't know when I'll finish them.
For days contain a finite number
Of hours, and there's need to slumber.
I think it would be most sublime
If I might somehow gain some time.

I'll ask my father, the Dark Lord
If me, his son, he will reward
By making sure the suns stand still
(A task requiring mighty skill.)
If he will do it, then I know
The length of days will surely grow.
Then all my tasks complete I might
Ere Mernac day fades into night.

Meantime, my scribe is trying (again) to give up the loathsome habit of inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco leaves...and hoping it works this time. May the Thirteen Fathers give him success.