Friday, November 2, 2007

A Ticklish Situation

This question leaves me in a pickle.
Do you think I'd be fun to tickle?
Ticklish is as ticklish does.
I sometimes wasn't, sometimes was.
Much depends upon my mood.
At times it makes me come unglued.
Other times I'll calmly sit
And tell you that you're full of it.
"Full of what?" you ask. Who knows?
Perhaps what fed this lovely rose.
Tickle the rose and sure as you're born
Your fingertips will find the thorn.

By the way, my uncle Quont's Castrati are very, very ticklish. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. They'd love for someone to stop by and give them some test tickles.


ND/Botr said...

Sneaks up quietly and tickles...oopps don't drop your erm instrument. :-)
Yo bro wha ya no,
or should that be cuz?

Hmm...Anemos sits down on her cloud to contemplate the planet dirts youth way of talkin.

J.F. Posthumus said...

Hmmmm...I forgot about Father's male servants...the ones with the ~wink~ Not to mention his Incubus! Odd...they don't seem to be out to rip my lovely head off....I wonder why?

~grins and holds feather behind her back...~