Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The answer to the Happy Place and everything in the universe is Question 14

I offer you my happy place.
'Twill put a smile upon your face,
As oft it does upon my own,
When I've been sad or all alone.

It lies not far away, you see.
I carry it around with me.
Nay, not from choice; I cannot choose.
It's just a place I may not lose.

Where'er I travel, far or near,
I turn to look; it still is here.
It matters little where I stray.
My happy place ne'er goes away.

If I on leafy bed would lie
My happy place doth satisfy.
Or if I'd camp in bower or dell
My happy place still serves me well.

"Where is this happy place?" you ask.
Would you this scribbler take to task?
Perhaps, like me, you'll come to find
'Tis lodged securely in the mind.


ND/Botr said...

A happy place within the mind is a great place. Just don't venture to the sad place door and keep the angry door firmly closed.

Alys said...

I go to the Ocean beach for my happy place, then carry the sights and sounds filed away in my mind to be summoned up later as I need to.